Getting results – patience for the process

From art to Marketing.

I like to use my sculpture as an analogy sometimes for everything I do, including internet marketing.

I understand the process of creating, the patience needed, the vision, the steps that each take their own time. It time to learn. Through trial, error and success, and often learning through accidental outcomes which enabled me to move in new directions.  There is a process, it takes patience, and then there are results.

Ideas become a reality, by patiently following the plan according to the rules.

The clay process cannot be rushed. The clay must be wedged and worked and thengetting resultssculpted. Which ever technique is chosen, the final piece must be hollow and of even thickness. The drying takes time and cannot be rushed, so as to prevent cracks. Patience, process.

Keeping the end vision throughout the process

The wet clay has a very different look to the fired clay. The vision of color, purpose, placement, how it will hang, where it will stand, are in the back of the artist’s mind while sculpting.

If I plan to use a lot of color I need to prepare areas that I will later paint, but only once it is dried, and sometimes only after firing. Patience is required to wait for each step to be over in time for the next one.

Adding color – the exciting emerging vision

Painting once again, before firing, the colors are not quite what they will be afterwards. It is get resultsanother step before the final result. You must have knowledge of how the colors will change through firing and glazing. There are rules to follow. There are no short cuts.

The vision becomes clearer and the artist feels secure in the direction the work is going. He imagines what the results will be and while he is sure that about his process, his vision and his dedication – he knows that sometimes the reality is finer than he imagined.


After firing, the moment of opening the kiln is exciting. You are on the verge of seeing your vision in reality. That which you imagined is about to become the result of your work.getting results

If you have followed through with patience, knowledge – even if you have taken risks, you  think you can still tell what the result is most likely to be. Experience gives a dependable forecast. But until you see the results, you cannot know exactly, and leaving it to faith as you have done, can produce surprise and pleasure you did not foresee.


When you have achieved your goal, when the result is there for you to see, you often realize that the perspective or reality is different to what you had imagined. Let things be once they are done, and view them from different angles, getting to know what you have created and look at it from a different viewpoint.getting results

Appreciate the results, appreciate the dedication and the abilities you have. and keep everything in its right perspective.

getting resultsTo hear more about the process of internet marketing, or clay sculpture, leave me your email and I will send you more details,

If you would like to see more of my art or purchase it, see my web store

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